What do you want?

What do you want?

A journalist made me think today.

She asked me a question that required me to think. I answered her question this morning during the interview, and now hours later I’m still thinking about it.

20140225-165843.jpgOver these afternoon sketches I’m still thinking about what I want my work to be about. We had already talked at length about my business, the core of which is my jewelry, of course. But it felt like a business conversation up to that point.

Then she asked me what I wanted as an artist.

I’ll be honest here: I don’t remember how I responded. In fact, I’m looking forward to reading her article to see what I said.

What I know is that I was born to create, and my intention is to use my creative ability to reveal the hope inherent in the human condition.

I consider it such an honor to be trusted by my clients to make pieces that honor their stories and impact their life experience.

This is my life’s work.

(I’ll let you know when the article is published so we can both find out what I said.)

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