01 Nov Stages of Development – GMA 5.0 is live!
More than twenty years ago, I made a pair of earrings. A little bit of wire and a few beads comprised my first jewelry creation. In that moment, I had no idea.
I had no idea that jewelry would become my vocation, and much more importantly, my avocation. I had no idea I would spend my days cutting, soldering, and forging bits of metal into narrative lockets, wedding rings and pendants. I had no idea.
Just as my work has evolved over the years, I have learned that the life of an independent artist is something that also is fluid, organic, and ever-changing. Being an independent artist means so much more than just making art every day. An indie artist must also be her own Director of Marketing, her own Business Manager, her own CEO and CFO. These things, too, must evolve.
So today I am beyond giddy to launch version 5.0 of gingermeekallen dot com. My first website was a five-page template. My second one was, oh, maybe 12 pages. And jumping ahead, this, my fifth one, has image sliders, an etsy store, and, well, check it out for yourself.
And, even more exciting for me is the room to grow. This is the basic version of GMA 5.0. I have more in mind to expand the site even further and create as full a picture as possible of my work as an artist.
I am forever grateful to David Keith for his expertise in making my ideas actually work in html. The feedback of my studio mates, my daughters, and my husband from all their varying perspectives has been incredibly helpful in making the site easy to navigate and pleasing to view. And to my clients who honor my work by purchasing it and beyond that trusting me with their stories to create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces for them, I thank you.
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