
Can you remember a time when you really put yourself out there? Or, maybe a day when you woke up and got busy with something for which you'd spent weeks and months and even years considering and preparing? That's what the last year has been like for me. This year brought...

Balance is about resiliency. Stability. Peace. Yogis like my daughter (that's her in the photo) have given me the best explanation of balance as a state of being upright and stable amid opposing forces....

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]My recent trip to Asheville, NC, was filled with color. Funky bricks. Illuminated tea. Neon wigs. You will find all kinds of rich color in AVL. What a cool town. Take a look at these shots from my camera roll. Hover over titled images for more...

As a child I had one of those Golden storybooks (anybody remember those?) with the story of the Princess and the Pea. I love that story!  I remember the imagery of that storybook...